Monday, February 26, 2007

Biloxi Report

We are back, and what a long, strange trip it has been. The Lord's hand was definitely with us. We really learned what it means that "we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."

Earlier in the week before we left, we thought we were taking 8 people. Before we left that whittled down to 6. Before we made it out of Virginia the couple from Johnstown that was joining us had to go home to attend to family matters. We were down to 4. It was a bit discouraging. But God had prepared the work before hand.

Once we arrived in Biloxi, we were given two more people to round out our team. Jack and Pat from Grand Rapids, Michigan. They were the perfect fit for our team. (Jack and Pat if you read this, we miss you.) Pat and Sharon were able to minister to Patty (the home owner) in a way that only God could have arranged.

As for the actual labor on the house, we did a variety of jobs. We laid flooring, hung doors, put on door knobs, hung ceiling fans, did caulking and painting, hung some dry wall, trip, and kitchen cabinets, and installed a new range hood.

Because the funding in starting to run low, we purchased some of the materials we needed out of the funds that the people of St. Paul's provided out of God's grace. Had the second vehicle come with us to Biloxi, we would not have had the funds to do this.

We really need to keep Bob in Biloxi. Click on this link to read about the continued need for workers and finances to see how you can help. Bob Bolitho is a man with a heart for the Lord and mission. We really wants to see this mission through to completion. Pray for Bob.

There is so much more I could say, but for the sake of brievity I will end here. I will gladly share stories with anyone who wants to hear more, or want to know what they can do to share the love of Jesus Christ to those in need in Biloxi.

Pastor Howard

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