Friday, November 03, 2006


"There is a kind of direct proportion between sorrow for sin and joy in the Holy Spirit. Those who feel the worst about their sins, feel the happiest about forgiveness. It is just at this point that some modern preaching robs Christians of their fulness of joy. Sin is soft-pedeled, and so then is the joy of salvation. ... Here again we would all be happier if we took sin seriously." - John W. Anderson, The Fruit of the Spirit, P&R Publishing, 1972.

This really struck me. How could there be a connection between joy and sorrow. it seems inpossible, but yet it is true. We lack joy and the motivation it brings because we fail to see the seriousness of our sin. I am as guilty of that as anyone else. Should we begin to study our wretchedness to increase our joy? Maybe it would do us some good. Maybe we would have less artificial joy and more real joy.

Pastor Howard

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