Friday, October 27, 2006

What are we afraid of

Do you ever get the sense that Reformed community doesn't really want revival or reformation because they are worried about what that might look like? Or maybe it is because they know that will mean a change? Sometimes I think the church is just happy where they are ... a faithful reminant. But how can we sit idly by and watch God's name be profaned among the nations and in our nation? We see churches in our towns that reject the Bible and the Word of God as the only rule of faith and practice. We see Jesus being reduced to an example of sacrifice for us, while his deity, authority, and atoning work are called in to question or ignored outright. God is reduced to a by-stander, who does not act to bring about salvation. He simply waits to see what man will do. When man can contribute something to his own salvation, God's grace becomes unnecessary.

When I think about these things I think about the churches that are coming out from years of being subject to liberal and heretical theology. This is happening around our country. We must pray for them. Pray that these churches, people, and ministers who are being awakened to their errors by God's grace would have the wisdom and strength to continue on to recover the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. This is a different kind of reformation than the one begun in 1517 by Luther. This war is different, but the battles are the same: Scripture Alone, By Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone, Because of Christ Alone, To God's Glory Alone.

Pastor Sloan

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