Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Clowney's "Ten Commandments" Review

How Jesus Transformed the Ten Commandments, by Edmund P. Clowney. Editied by Rebecca Clowney Jones. P & R Publishing, 2007. Reviewed by Rev. Howard Sloan

The title of Dr. Clowney’s book does not do the contents justice. This is not just about what Jesus had to say about the ten commandments, but about how His person, work, and teaching transform them. It is about His life and death transform them. It is about what He left for us in the apostles teaching and ministry transform them.

This book is published posthumously, as Dr. Clowney died in 2005. It has been produced with the help of his daughter Rebecca Clowney Jones, who edited and augmented the context from Sunday School notes.

The book is divided into twelve chapters – an introduction, a conclusion, and ten chapters on the commandments themselves. Each chapter has study questions at the end for use in individual study or for a Sunday School class. The chapters are very rich and deep. The commandments are not presented as a bare list of don’ts, but in a way that drive us to greater piety and obedience. The depth of each command as Clowney presents them is far greater than I can illustrate in such a short review.

The one chapter that may cause some debate is Clowney’s treatment of the second commandment. It is his discussion of images of Jesus that I particularly have in mind. Clowney states a position that in certain limited cases images of Jesus might be acceptable and not idolatrous. Many in the Reformed community hold that any image of Jesus is idolatry. Here is a short quote, but I urge you to read his argument before making any judgment.

“Let me offer a principle that may help us determine what is a good use of image when it comes to portraying Jesus. I suggest that portraits of Jesus are the problem. May representations show the reality of Jesus without offering a portrait, which in its very nature invites us to worship. To look at Jesus’ face is to worship him.” (p. 31)

One chapter I found to be a refreshing read was on the Sabbath/the Fourth Commandment. Some treatments of this commandment can come off with a list of do’s and don’ts. Sometime I find myself looking for just that if I am being honest. Clowney does not do that. I was glad to find that Clowney treated the concept of physical rest and refreshment as part of the Sabbath blessing. Too often I find that Sabbath discussions leave one with the sense that to have any physical rest on the Sabbath is a violation of the commandment. Clowney encourages physical rest and refreshment without encouraging the idleness of which so many speak. He also encourages us to worship and service on the Lord’s Day. I found his treatment very well round and fair.

Overall, I found the book to be a great read. It is full of encouragement toward deep and abiding holiness. It is strong statement on the depth and breath of the commandments, as well as the grace and mercy of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.

(a shorter form of this review with appear in the June 2008 Reformation Voice)

Hyde on "Descent into Hell"

Danny Hyde gracious provided us with this.

Dear colleagues and friends,

As a way to promote The Confessional Presbyterian (http://www.cpjournal.com/), a journal for discussion of Presbyterian doctrine & practice, the editor has graciously made my article on Jesus Christ's descent into hell available free of charge as a .pdf.

Below is the link to "In Defense of the Descendit: A Confessional Response to Contemporary Critics of Christ’s Descent into Hell." The Confessional Presbyterian 3 (2007) 104–117.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

Owen on Imputed Active Obedience

I found this gem on the Pilgrim People.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Got Bored

I got bored with the old look. So here is a new one.

Friday, April 04, 2008


The following e-mail was sent to me with the link to this video. It is worth watching.

"Aside from the slight political overtone, and the drama of the person presenting this , you will see new age religion at it's worst. Notice how a simple misunderstanding of a verse caused this one to turn her back on the true Christ, and pervert the person of Christ even more, whom apparently she heard about but never really believed. Her statement , God is a feeling, not a believing experience. ( so true in many watered down messages today from some pulpits) and, If your religion requires a belief in God, then its not truly God, shows how one can appear to be spiritual but completely lost...So many today will follow this road to hell, some because of who is promoting and others because it "sounds" right. Don't be fooled, there is only one way and that way is Jesus.
Rom. 3:23
Rom. 5:12
John. 3:16
Eph. 2:8-9
Rom. 10:9
John 10:27-28

Please read in the order given."

Thou Art Worthy Third Verse

Some of you are familiar with Thou Art Worthy. There are actually two verses.

For copyright reasons I can not post those but they can be found at CCLI Song No. 14789 & 916557
© 1963, 1975 Fred Bock Music Company
Pauline Michael Mills | Tom Smail

Below is a NEW third verse that I composed based on Rev. 15:3-4

Great and awe-some Great and awe-some
Great and awe-some your deeds
Lord God Al-migh-ty. Lord God Al-migh-ty.
Just and so true are your ways.
O King of the Na-tions
Lord, who will not fear you.
And make your name glor-i-fied.
A-lone you are holy
Na-tions will worship.
When your acts are re-vealed.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Scripture Hymns Page

I am going to continue to post these hymns as I have opportunity. I have created a page on the Heidelberg Reformation Association site where all of the PDFs will be available for download. I am hoping to start having versions with the music soon as well. I am encouraging others to participate in this project as well. I will post any worthwhile contributions on the site below as well.




Philippians 2 Hymn

Philippians 2:5-11 “Humbled and Exalted”

Tune: Ode to Joy/ #122 Trinity Hymnal

Christ Jesus, who in nature God, did not count equality;

With our God a thing to be grasped, but made of himself nothing,

Like a servant, made in likeness of a man in human form,

Humbled himself in o-be-dience for our sake in his dying.

Hum-bl-ing himself to death on a cross. God exalted Him.

God bestowed the name that is above every name upon him,

So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow to him,

Those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, confessing Him.

Every tongue confessing that Jesus Christ is the Lord on high,

To the glory of Fa-ther God. Hence the loved obey him all.

Working out our own salvation with great fear and trembling

For our God is working in us, both his pleasure and his will.

Lyrics © 2008 Howard Sloan

PDF Available Here.

Permission to use is granted.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


The April 2008 Reformation Voice is available for download on the Heidelberg Reformation Association website.


For information about the HRA